
How God Became Jesus: The Real Origins of Belief in Jesus’ Divine Nature—A Response to Bart Ehrman is unavailable, but you can change that!

In his recent book How Jesus Became God, biblical critic Bart Ehrman argues that the earliest disciples did not believe Jesus was God, and that Jesus did not claim this about himself. In How God Became Jesus, Michael F. Bird, Craig A. Evans, and other top scholars respond to this latest challenge to orthodox Christianity. Subjecting Ehrman’s claims to critical scrutiny, they offer a historically...

directly. For he claims “that Jesus was not originally considered to be God in any sense at all, and that he eventually became divine for his followers in some sense before he came to be thought of as equal with God Almighty in an absolute sense. But the point I stress is that this was, in fact, a development.”4 In contrast to the thesis of Ehrman and others that a “high Christology,” which identified Jesus as a fully divine figure, was an evolutionary development,
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